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Pill Box Dispenser - Med-e-lert
Automatic Pill Dispenser MED-E-LERT - Canada
Features locking mechanism for improved safety!
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Price: $156.95

Product Code: 0031

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Med-E-Lert Pill Box Dispenser

GMS Med-e-lert helps to ensure that medications are taken properly and on time! This fully automatic pill box dispenser is easy to setup and simple to use.

Med-e-lert pill box dispenser

The Med-e-lert pill dispenser has 28 compartments sized for 18 aspirin sized pills and has a 20% larger compartment size than other automatic pill dispensers. Its portable and ideal for in-home use or by caregivers in an assisted living facility. An alarm rings for 30 minutes or until pills are dispensed and it can be set up for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 times daily with six dosage rings and the GMS has a loud alarm with a blinking light.
GMS pill box backProgramming is retained in memory when batteries are removed or replaced.

The Med-E-Lert is a pill dispenser,organizer and alarm all in one unit. Since there are 28 compartments it can handle up to 28 days of dosage. This can be prescription medications,vitamin supplements or over the counter products. A caregiver could even put a reminder note or a treat like candy in the compartment. There are no pill boxes to remove or lids to open. When the caregiver's pre set time for the patient to take the medication comes the carousel rotates to the next compartment.The user just tips it over and the pills will slide out into their hand. An alarm will sound and a light will flash for 30 minutes till the pills are removed. This medication safety product eliminates double dosing or other medication errors. Keeping your loved one or patient safe and independent is all part of great caregiving. The independence can create a feeling of self esteem and not being a burden.

Frequently Asked Questions For Med-E-Lert Pill Box Users

How does the Med-E-Lert work.
Watch the video on this page for a full explanation.

Can you set it for two times a day?
YES- It will rotate to the next time and day set.You can set it for 28 times in one day if you chose to.

How many pills does it hold?
There are 28 compartment and each one can hold up to 18 aspirin sized pills.

What type of Batteries does MED-E-Lert use?
Simple to insert and inexpensive to buy, 4 AA batteries power the MED-E-Lert electronic pillbox. With average use, the battery life is 1 ½ years plus.

Can the MED-E-Lert be used for vitamins and supplements?
The MED-E-Lert is perfect for vitamins’ and supplements. Maximum benefits can be achieved with a consistent daily regiment. No more forgetting and trying to catch up

How does the patient know when to take a pill?
There is a sound alarm and a flashing light that stays on for 30 minutes or until it is turned off.It will signal again at the next preset time.

Is the Med-E-lert pill box portable?
Yes, it is battery operated and batteries are included.

Can it be used for any type of pills?
Yes,it can be used for anything that fits into the compartment.

Do you have to set it every week?
No, you have a 28 compartment rotation which gives you more flexibility with scheduling doses. Med-E-Lert pill dispenser has up to 6 daily alarms.

How much does it weigh?
It is 9 inches in diameter and weighs less than a pound.

** Please Note: Due to sanitary and health reasons, this Medication Dispenser is not returnable once shipped.



How To Setup your Med-E-Lert Dispenser

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 > Write a review here

5 of 5 Work like a charm and has a long battery life too November 14, 2023
Reviewer: George Sherwood from Ontario  
I had to switch from another brand I bought off Amazon (rip off).  The batteries would last less than two weeks and that became really expensive and extremely inconvenient.  This is a great quality product!!